National Development Plan of Pakistan

The Planning Commission launched the first long-range development plan, Vision 2030: Pakistan in the 21st Century, in August 2007, following an extensive stakeholder consultation process. This expresses the aspiration of the people for a ‘developed, industrialised, just and prosperous Pakistan through rapid and sustainable development in a resource-constrained economy by deploying knowledge inputs’. Concurrent medium-term plans set out strategies and priorities towards achievement of Vision 2030. The Planning Commission was in 2013 working on the Development Strategy 2013-18.


Among the most important objectives emphasised in successive plans are:


The Development Strategy 2013–18 gives priority to institutional and governance reforms that promote transparency and accountability in public life; involvement of citizens at all stages of planning, implementation and monitoring of development programmes; and social enterprises that are committed to human development, poverty alleviation and youth empowerment.